“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.”
Charles Dickens”
I am in the mood of venting but unfortunately i have nothing to vent about other than the Njaa-nuary blues, you know what i am talking about; the tight financial situations for the free spirited like me. Yeah i took my diabz to costo, enjoyed blowing my money away but now i am leaving on a shoe-string budget…that does not scare me, salo will come soon and the coin box is still heavy and can buy skuma wiki and nyanyas for another two weeks”
Just remembered i got an issue with one of my friend. Yeah you know yourself, i aint stupid so do not under-estimate me, i may not voice my concerns but Karma is a bitch…you will get a dose of your own medicine….moving on…”
Okey i need to loose me some weight real first, i have literaly outgrown almost all my clothes(those of my pals like Jaki who they think will get things for free not this month honey, money for clothes, i hear its called exchange of goods). The change in my lifestyle in the last two months have been really positive, did not think i will come this far but for sure the lord has been good. The only down side to this is i feel i have so much energy and so much time on my hands, and nothing to channel it to, even work isn’t enough. I really need to do something, anything.it does not need to be grand but it better add color into my life. Anyone??Suggestions please?? even charity is so welcome right now”
Its January, i foresee a lot off changes in my life; but please please stop asking me about my dating life or when i plan to get married, its so so annoying. My question to you though,’Have you heard of any retail store selling husbands?’ They do not stock them on the shelves you know. All a girl does is throw her chips, wherever they may fall she prays they fall into a good place. If it does not stick well and good, if not, years of trying to work at it wont help… ask me i know..”
Been hoping to do retail therapy this month but the way my pocket is with a big dent, Wololo i will have to push it until FEMBRUAAARRRY…then i can get MESELF fabulous”
This month with its lengthyness…is there even a word like that,well whatever, it has really taught me to never say never, had promised never to do Kofia…Horses’ hair i mean but i did it. Some of my colleagues did not mince there words tough, but you know what, i aint undoing it… wearing it with the pride of a lion and the grace of a stallion, will only undo it when i tire of it.”
This school business is going to become my downfall… i might actually Omba Serikali Iingilie Kati because i never thought January will get here but ole wangu its here. I need strength and truly divine intervention…. i have to finish this shule stuff or forget the MBA in totality…”
Politics…yeah i have a lot of interest and i equally have strong opin ions and if it irks you we do not have to agree, we do not have to be friends…so even better block or un-friend me from FB its never that serious…and if you really know me nothings shocks me…I DO NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF”
Being my first post this year i have practiced a lot of restraint…my parting shot; STOP BEING FAKE, JUST BE YOU! Try it! it is so refreshing…”
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